Indian Ringneck parakeets
Hi friends now i am sharing some information with you about Indian ringneck parakeets.
They are most popular because of their talking ability.The are also frank with humans.Indian ringneck parakeets are best pets.
Keeping ringneck parakeets as pet
To keep these parakeets as pets you will need ;
1. A cage
2. A nest box
3.A suitable food and fruit
4. A healthy Ring neck parrot
Choosing a ringneck parrot pair
Always choose a healthy pair of ringneck parrot. Never choose an aggressive parrots because they will fight.
Choose one male and one female parrot.A male has a ring arround his neck. Upper area of ring is red coloured and lower area of ring is black coloured.
Male ringneck parrot
The female does not have a ring But does have a slight green coloured ring
Female ringneck parrot
You should choose healthy ringneck parrot but you can choose colour of your choice
There are different colours of ringneck parrots like;
Yellow ringneck male parrot called Lutino.
White ringneck parrot called Albino
Blue ringneck parrot
A pair of grey ringneck parrot
Violet ringneck parrot
Pairs of ring neck Parrots
Here there are some pairs of ringneck parakeets
Left one is female and the other one is male
Left one is male and the other one is female
Left one is female and the other one is male.
Breeding of ringneck parrots
These parrots are self breeder they can breed in cages. These parrots start breeding in spring season.if you want to breed your parrot buy one male and one female and put them in a single cage. when they become a pair attach nest box with cage.they will start nesting by the time.
A pair in a cage with nest box.
Hen lays 4 to 6 eggs and both the male and female incubate them for almost 22 days. Only fertile eggs hatched.babies are of pinkish colour with red beak.
Newly hatched babies look like this
They start growing gradually
2 weeks old babies
1 month old babies
9 months old babies
They become mature at this stage.
Ringneck parrots talking ability
They have ability to talk.They are also famous for this reason. They are also called man,s friend because they are very frank with i attach some videos to show there talking ability to you.
OK bye friends see ya
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